YouTubers Just Got YouTubered

When I was searching for something new to build in 2014, Jason told me about the problems he was having with Mahalo on YouTube.

At the time, a single YouTube subscriber was worth an estimated $0.10/year to publishers, but an email subscriber was worth $1.25/year. For Jason’s shows, collecting 100,000 email addresses could mean the difference between breaking even and bankruptcy.

Oh man. Workarounds to capture email addresses? I had seen this before with Facebook and iTunes. YouTube was being an evil gatekeeper.

I was about to uncover my next great mission.

My Medium post YouTubers Just Got YouTubered covers a lot of topics:

  • What is YouTube Red and why does everyone hate it?
  • YouTube’s Farm and the origin of Recurrency
  • Facebook, the evil gatekeeper
  • iTunes, the evil gatekeeper
  • Should you ever build a business on someone else’s platform?
  • How can I protect myself from all of these evil gatekeepers?

Continue reading YouTubers Just Got YouTubered on Medium.

Published by Brian Alvey

I build software that makes creative people more powerful.